深圳高品检测设备有限公司是专业从事材料实验技术研究与材料试验机制造的中外合资的高新技术企业。通过德国TUV ISO 9001:2008版认证。公司下属材料试验机;专用试验机;仪器销售服务 三个子公司及七个办事处。
高品公司倚中外及深圳特区优势,汇聚业界精英之才智,在中国大陆(深圳、上海、北京、武汉、重庆、沈阳、西安)台湾、日本、新加坡等中心城市形成销售与服务 网络。高品公司专业生产材料力学性试验机、材料专用试验机;电子产品类专用试验机;耐用性可靠性寿命试验仪器设备三大类别,共28个系列300多个品种。僅试验机力负荷范围从10N~600KN(电子万能试验机),10KN~2000KN(液压万能试验机);试验温度可从-70℃~+1200℃,规格达100多种,自动控温辅助设备等产品均达到有关GB、ISO、 ASTM、JIS、DIN等国家标准所规定的指标。涵盖材料物理性能检测领域。是广泛用于科研单位、质检机构、大专院校以及工矿企业(航空、航天、军工、电子、电脑、手机、通讯)进料检验、品 质管制、物理测试、材料研究开发、教学实验研究、商检仲裁的理想产品。
“高品人”本着“诚信、责任、荣誉、关爱”的公司经营理念,致力于产品与服务的品质;秉承质量源于精细,标准源于客户的产品研究方针;市场为先,用户至上的服务宗旨,在业界树立了 “GOPOINT.高品"品牌产品与优良服务之形象。
高品试验机三闭环产品技术符合金属材料的GB/T 228-2010和ISO9001规定;并成功开发了汽车深动板的n.r值测定技术,在断裂力学领域中已经开 发了K1C测试方法,已与中科院力学所联合研制涂层材料专用力学试验机并获国家专利。 “高品”将持续给予客户质量与信心的保证,为高品质的21世纪尽“高品人”绵薄之力。
Company Profile
Gopoint Testing Equipment Co., Ltd. is a Sino-Foreign joint venture company specializing in the research of material testing method and manufacture of material testing machine. Gopoint has passed TUV ISO 9001:2015 system of Germany. Gopoint consists of three subsidiary companies on material testing machine, special testing machine, and sales & service; besides, it has seven offices.
Gopoint is located in Shenzhen Economic Special Zone,And it owns a lot of elites in the field, through the efforts of company staff, Gopoint has established sales and Service networks in key cities of Chinese Mainland (like Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan and Chongqing), Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore. Gopoint's products main include three items, i.e. universal testing machine and special materials testing machine; special electronic products testing machine; and testing machine on durability and reliability. Above three items consist of 28 series and over 300 types. On testing machine, the load ranges include 10N~600KN and 10KN~2000KN; temperature testing scope can reach up to -70℃~+1100℃; all automatic temperature control auxiliary equipment meet the data stipulated by GB ISO,ASTM,JIS DIN and other state standards. As Gopoint's products cover many ranges testing physica properties of materials, they are widely used at scientific research units, quality supervision and testing institutions, colleges, and industry and mining enterprises, become the ideal products in materials research and development, testing physical properties, teaching and experimental research, quality control, incoming material inspection, commodity inspection and arbitration.
For many years, Gopoint people always insist on the operating principle of "Credit, duty, honor, and care", and commit them selves to the quality of products; besides, along with the products development policy of "Quality comes from fineness, standard comes from client"and service target of "Clients first", the image of brand " GOPOINT.高品 " and excellent services of Gopoint has set up now in the field. The technical level of Gopoint testing machine tri-closed-loop product meets the provisions of GB/T 228 and ISO of metallic materials; Gopoint also successfully developed the technique of measuring n/r value of deep-drawing auto sheets, and K1C testing method in the field of fracture mechanics; besides, Gopoint jointly developed the special mechanics testing machine for coating materials with Institute of Mechanics (IMECH), Chinese Academy of Sciences and obtained the state patent. Anyway, Gopoint will try its best to provide better products and service to clients in the 21st century.
高品公司倚中外及深圳特区优势,汇聚业界精英之才智,在中国大陆(深圳、上海、武汉、重庆、沈阳、西安)台湾、日本、新加坡等中心城市形成销售与服务网络。在跨世纪的恢宏发展历程里,凝聚着高品人燃烧的激情、耕耘的汗水与创新的智慧。南征北战的开拓,高品检测现已发展成为国内专业技术研究与材料试验机制造的中外合资的高新技术企业。高品通过德国TUV ISO 9001:2008版认证。公司下属材料试验机;专用试验机;仪器销售服务三个子公司。
“高品人”本着“诚信、责任、荣誉、关爱”的公司经营理念,致力于产品与服务的品质;秉承质量源于精细,标准源于客户的产品研制方针;市场为先,用户致上的服务宗旨,在业界树立了“ GOPOINT” 品牌产品与优良服务之形象,为公司的前行提供不竭的正能量。我们执着,我们追求。诸城兴贸领导班子将以孜孜不倦的创新精神开启事业新的征程。迎着太阳的光辉,我们在行进的道路上以“不干则已,干就一流;追求完美,永不停步”的企业精神登高望远。
● 2012年 10月 深圳高品检测设备有限公司是“GB/T 28289-2012 铝合金隔热型材复合性能试验方法” 负责起草单位之一。...
● 2005年2月28日,高品通过了TUV ISO 9001 2008 之规定认证。使得高品公司各个部门更具标准化管理模式,对企业发...
● 2003年7月 深圳市高品仪器有限公司与日本计测(JISC)、日本瑞沧强强联手合资创建深圳高品检测设备有限公司。
● 1993年 7月,深圳市高品仪器有限公司在深圳正式创立;主要研发、生产、销售试验机
质量理念:强化精密意识 ,以高品位、高质量的产品回报客户,创优良品牌。